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CAFFEINE: The Good, The Bad and The Maybe!

Aug 26, 2017

How Caffeine Works:

Adenosine prepares the body for sleep by curbing the interacting between nerve cells and by widening blood vessels to increase the flow of oxygen. Receptors on the surface of the brain cells cannot tell the difference between Adenosine and caffeine. So when you consume caffeine, it attaches itself to the receptors and adenosine is blocked out. Without adenosine to make you sleepy, your brain activity perks up and you are more alert. By blocking adenosine, caffeine also constricts your blood vessels which can make a headache disappear.

The Good:

  1. Parkinson's disease: people who consume caffeine regularly have a lower risk , caffeine seems to protect human brain cells, 100 to 200 milligrams a day.

  2. Gallstones: nurses who drank three cups of coffee a day had a 20% lower risk of gallstones. Tea, decaf coffee and caffeinated soft drinks were NOT protective because not enough caffeine.

  3. Mental Performance: caffeine improves alertness and reaction time, 100-200mg. 20-200mg of caffeine people report an increased well being, happiness, energy and sociability. Over 200mg of caffeine produces increased anxiety, nervousness, jitteriness and upset stomach.