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Training for Weight Gain

août 25, 2017

This article is written for ""the ectomorph"" also known as ""a hardgainer"" but can be used by anyone who is trying to pack on mass.

Sometimes putting on size is hard to do. The body type which is classed as having the hardest time putting on muscle mass is the body type known as ""the ectomorph"" (or thoracic). To begin this article, let's review the definition of the ectomorph:

Ectomorph: The ectomorph is the extreme somatotype. An ectomorph is characterized smalls bones and very little muscle mass. An ectomorph will have a very steep angle in his or her thorax, and the ribs are closer together. Ectomorphs are generally better endurance athletes than bodybuilders by nature, and may excel in cross country running.

This does not mean an ectomorph cannot bodybuild. It is very possible to achieve great gains in mass and strength regardless of being an ectomorph. Gaining muscle mass is a difficult task for the ectomorph compared to the endomorph or mesomorph body types. However, once the muscle mass has been developed, no matter how long the struggle to get to that level, the results are sometimes much more impressive than other body types. Thanks to the small frame structure of the ectomorph, less muscle tends to look like more. Some classic and very huge bodybuilders in the past have been known to be ectomorph. Frank Zane for one, and even Arnold Schwarzenneger at one point in his life were ectomorphs. Below, several training and nutrition tips are listed which should help anybody to put on muscle mass and quickly and effectively.

Stick with Basic Movements, and Lift Heavy!

The ectomorph will need to lift heavy weights and stick with basic movements for each body part to achieve the greatest amount of muscular development and growth hormone release. The table below illustrates a list of body parts and the basic exercises which should be performed for each. These core movements should compose the majority of each workout.